Keith’s Resume
Critical Thinking, Content, Publishing
Strategies in Messaging, Publishing, Writing. Video Editing, Book Editing Critical thinking for thought-leaders & influencers.
Richard Jacobs
Senior law partner with Johnson Pope, formerly with Trenam Law. Their book is in support of his lawsuit to make a safe climate a constitutional right.
Keith is executive editor for Richard’s 2021 book on sustainability.
Bob Menke CEO Bankers Insurance
Keith is executive editor for Bob’s 2020 memoir entitled “Think Big” 727–251–8086 or Zoom
My brief video introduction
Florida Bar certified. I teach CLE accredited classes for attorneys
Keith’s recent content for a lead generation sales leader
for attorneys in California and western US. See work at
Keith is the journalist of record for the Casey Anthony trial circa 2023. His just published book trailer is at
There is a reporter who answers the question, “Why did the jury acquit the most hated woman in America — Casey Anthony?”
He writes for Random House, Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism, and is the Society of Professional Journalist’s top reporting journalist. Keith’s content appears in documentaries. He stays current with the metaverse, blockchain, crypto, fintech, He presents debates on topical issues at Stetson Law School, the Villages, etc. If you want innovative ideas? Talk to Keith!
Zero risk*
Keith always provides his content on approval *